FICTION - Translations

Robert Pinget             Mahu , Calder, 1966

Raymond Radiguet    Devil in the Flesh ( Le Diable au corps ), Calder, 1968

Philippe Sollers          The Park ( Le Parc ), Calder, 1968

Alain Robbe-Grillet    The House of Assignation ( La Maison de rendez-vous ), Calder, 1970

                                 The Immortal One ( L'Immortelle ), Calder, 1971

Gianni Segre             The Confirmation ( La Confirmation ), Blond, 1971

Rezvani                    Light-Years ( Les Années-Lumières ), Macdonald, 1971

Sébastien Japrisot    One Deadly Summer ( L'Été meutrier ), Harcourt Brace, 1980

Vladimir Volkoff         The Turn-around ( Le Retournement ), Bodley Head, 1981

                                The Set-up ( Le Montage ), Bodley Head, 1984

Jorge Semprun        What a beautiful Sunday! ( Quel beau dimanche! ) , Harcourt Brace/Secker, 1982

Michel Tournier        Gilles & Jeanne , Methuen , 1987

Tahar Ben Jelloun    The Sand Child ( L'Enfant de sable ), Harcourt Brace, 1988

                                 The Sacred Night ( La Nuit sacrée ), Harcourt, Brace, 1989

Agota Kristof           The Notebook ( Le Grand Cahier ), Methuen , 1989